Time really flies! I can vouch for that. It has been more or less a year ago that I started working at DMS, and wow, what an experience it has been! My fear of technology slowly but surely is giving way to a super techno clued up chick.......... Lol, yep, there was a lot I didn't know about PC's and digital devices, programs, etc. but working at DMS has improved my skills in certain areas and I still have plenty more to learn.
My first shoot was during the June holidays last year with Uviwe, at the Public School of Health for the PTMC workshop. And what fun that was, it was long, but worth it. Not only did I learn how to shoot footage, but we also learnt a lot about preventing transmission of HIV/AIDS from mother to child. For me the workshop was very informative and I saw that our health departments are really putting their hearts and souls into preventing transmission of AIDS and helping those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.
DMS not only instills knowledge and skill, but DMS does a lot more for its student assistants like me. I always feel comfortable to ask for help and advice whan I need it, because I know everyone tries to assist you in their own little way, and I appreciate that.
You also find that at DMS we do things together outside of work, my first DMS event was lasr year June, after me and Uviwe wrapped up the shoot, Andre invited us to join the team at a work function, it was very nice to be part of a staff unction as I've worked for so many people, but never got invited to staff functions, because I was just a casual. We also had a end-of-year function which Andre hosted for us Ripmixlearners at his home. Really had such a wonderful time there.
I have learnt how to work with Audacity, I have been part of a training session at CPUT, and I felt so proud of myself being able to train someone. I have learnt how to duplicate and label DVD's and more.
The road doesn't end here for me though, I'm looking forward to picking up a lot more skills and knowledge.
Peace out until next time!