Monday, May 31, 2010

The bomb scare!

Really now? That was the first thought that crept into my mind. For what unapparent reason would there be a bomb on The University of the Western Cape?
Realized later that it was probably someone who was not prepared for their exam who asked someone to call in or he/she did it themselves.
Doing something like that takes guts! You can get caught out for such an act of lunacy! I guess desperate times, calls for desperate measures.
No matter how bad your problem might be, life is something that shouldn't be taken for granted, because the next time there might be a real bomb scare, and then no one reacts.

The culture at DMS

DMS has the raddest office culture, everyone takes time to listen and chat whenever needed. Friends are never few in the DMS office, they are always very close when you need a friend.
Life at the DMS office is fun and full of opportunities for all at the DMS office.
The vibe is one of greatness! Greatness in the sense that you always feel like anything is possible when you are here, because everyone is very encouraging.
Having people you know you can rely on to lend a hand feels great!

Really glad exams are over!!!!!!!!!!!!

The exams are conditionally over for me. I say conditionally, because re-evaluations are still going to be written in the upcoming week.
Whoever is up for a re-evaluation I wish you all the best and I hope you make it through.
I really hope I do not get one, I believe in myself and know that it is possible for me to pass all my subjects first time. Re-evaluation is not an option!!!!!!
My exams went smoothly, I didn't struggle too much and I remain positive.